Purchasing power: applications to reduce the bill


France 2

Article written by

V. Frédéric, D. Sébastien, C. Tixier, Z. Berkous, B. Parayre, H. Pozzo, R. Mathé, N. Sadok – France 2

France Televisions

The war in Ukraine has contributed to soaring commodity prices. LFood prices are also rising, forcing consumers to be vigilant. More and more applications have the solution to lower the bill.

These are perhaps the new allies of purchasing power. On phones, applications offer promotions and other gift products. In a supermarket, Amandine does her shopping, phone in hand. She uses an application that rewards her loyalty. “Points will accumulate on my cards and then when I have enough points, I can choose a product that will be refunded to me”she explains. All he has to do is scan his receipt to earn points on his app and get reimbursed for certain purchases directly to his account.

In Paris, at the premises of another discount app, this one offers discounts ranging from 30 % to 100%. A promise of savings that is attracting more and more French people in the midst of soaring prices. In Lyon (Rhone)a female student can afford a full basket of unsold products for only six euros. “I had coffee, capsules as well. It still saves us a lot of money, especially at the end of the month”she says.

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