Publication of Kurashi: joy is a way of life | French-speaking Marie Kondo fans will have to wait until October

(Paris) French-speaking fans of the “queen of storage”, the Japanese Marie Kondo, will have to wait until the fall to read the new book where she explains her change of philosophy, the publisher announced Thursday in a press release.

Kurashi: joy is a way of life is due to be published by First Editions in October, 11 months after the English edition.

The book was published in the United States in November and has generated a certain enthusiasm since the daily washington post explained, in an article of January 26, that “Marie Kondo’s life is more messy today, and it suits her like that”.

Journalists around the world noted that after devising her foolproof method of tidying up, the Japanese had three children. These articles ensured international publicity for this new work which had aroused little media interest when it was released in November.

Marie Kondo rose to global notoriety at 35 thanks to the Netflix series The Art of Storage with Marie Kondo (2019).

His book The magic of storagepublished in French by Éditions First in 2015, was a best-seller upon its release, and benefited from renewed interest with this series.

The Japanese consultant explains her “revolutionary” method for tidying up her interior “once and for all”, keeping only what “brings you joy”.

Kurashi is no longer oriented towards the storage of objects, but towards the way of life. “The new opus of the popess of storage invites you to project yourself into your ideal life, from the moment you wake up until the end of the day”, explain the First editions in their presentation.

Asked by AFP about the reasons for this delay in the translation of a book mainly made up of photos (200 illustrations on 224 pages), the publishing house did not comment.

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