Public transport: St-Pierre Plamondon asks Quebec not to abandon East Montreal

“Historically neglected”, Eastern Montreal cannot lose another public transit project, insists PQ leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, who will run in the sector in the next election. He urges Quebec to adopt an alternative to the Eastern Metropolitan Express Network (REM) project within six months.

“I don’t want us to fall into the trap of another project that won’t take place in the East because it was badly put together and badly supervised,” he says in an interview with Le Devoir.

The leader of the Parti Québécois (PQ) will run in Bourget in the next election. The division, which covers the eastern part of Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, must be crossed from edge to edge by the Eastern REM project of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec.

But here it is: due to negative opinions from the Regional Metropolitan Transport Authority (ARTM) and the Montreal Transport Company, the project finds itself on a tightrope, analyzes “PSPP”. And “the CAQ, she has only her to blame,” he argues.

“The responsibility lies with the government. I find unworthy the recent statements of Chantal Rouleau, who blames everyone, ”he says.

On Tuesday, the Minister responsible for the Metropolis swept aside the criticisms of the ARTM and asked the organization to “go back to the drawing board”. Then, on Wednesday, she let it be understood that the negative opinion of the STM came “from a drawer of the former director [général] who has just resigned.

“This reaction, I find it unworthy of the function of deputy, said Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon of the elected representative from the tip of the Island of Montreal. Is it normal to see a member and a responsible minister discredit everyone?”

The “neglected” East

The leader of the PQ wants to see “a real transport project in the East” grow. By bringing together the ARTM, the STM, the Caisse and the City at the same table, Quebec is giving itself the chance to correct the situation. But he must do it “within six months”, he insists.

“If it’s REM, let it be helpful and respectful REM,” he suggests. He wonders about certain “aberrations” of the current project, in particular the aerial structures and the noise they threaten to create. Also, its layout.

Asked about what he is proposing to serve the East, Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon avoids answering in detail: the decision is up to the mandated bodies. “The question of an underground REM will be raised,” he says after a few reminders.

By insisting at all costs on seeing the birth of the current route of the REM de l’Est, the government is placing the people of Bourget and the East “in a false dilemma”, maintains PSPP. “It’s like other bad projects of the CAQ, like the third link and GNL Quebec. The government puts people in a position where it’s the project or nothing, ”he illustrates.

Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon hopes to see the file become a “national issue”. Already, on Wednesday, Chantal Rouleau had to answer questions from the opposition at length about the REM in the House.

Quebec is awaiting the report of a group of experts it has appointed to “ensure the best possible integration” of the project before deciding on the follow-up to the REM de l’Est.

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