Public services under tension, let’s stop this charade!

No one would agree to become poorer by renewing their employment contract. If we told you that we were renewing your contract by reducing your purchasing power, you would be insulted. If, on top of that, you were exhausted by the workload and you were trying to keep a health or education network at arm’s length so as not to let it collapse, you would take it as an affront.

Impoverishing the education or health network by offering poor working conditions is costly for all of society. A teacher who gives up teaching means four years of a baccalaureate in the fire, that is to say several thousand dollars from the government invested in university training which will not have any return on investment. A nurse who cannot provide adequate care to a hospitalized person due to a lack of time and resources has an effect on the duration of hospitalization by lengthening it, which increases the bill. several thousand dollars a day.

Soon, parents will have to find solutions to care for their children due to the unlimited general strike of the Autonomous Federation of Education (FAE) and the three-day strike of the Common Front, of which the FSE (Federation of education unions). Teachers will be accused of taking children and parents hostage by only thinking about their navel. It’s completely the opposite because the working conditions of teachers are the learning conditions of your children and these learning conditions are less and less good.

For too long, it has been the government that has taken children hostage. They do not have access to quality education. They do not have access to the services they need. Look for a speech therapist, a psychologist, a psychoeducator in a school setting who can provide regular follow-up with your child: you won’t find any. Your child will not be able to be helped for his language disorder, his attention disorder or his school phobia. He will not follow the rhythm of the class, too overwhelmed by his difficulties.

Classes where there is only one adult or a different substitute each day are held hostage. The children in these classes do not have the chance to have quality teaching or adequate monitoring. They are being sacrificed and it could follow them like a ball and chain for the rest of their lives. Demotivation and school dropouts are very high among students in these classes.

The students who have drawn the wrong number and who find themselves in the class of the violent child who has tantrums which make the class unsafe are taken hostage, just like the violent child who has needs that we cannot meet. not to be filled in a regular class. These students will gradually lose the desire to come to school.

When more than half the class needs an individualized plan due to learning difficulties, behavior or disabilities, the majority of the teacher’s time is used to help these children, leaving the others behind. . Children who find it easy in class are therefore left to their own devices and cannot be stimulated as they should.

I have been teaching for almost 20 years and I feel held hostage every day when I cannot offer my students what they need. I see them, these children who are suffering and who need more services or just a faster pace. I swear to you that my heart, my soul, my guts are on the table every day, but I can no longer work miracles with anything. My love reserve struggles to fill up during the summer because it is so empty at the end of the school year.

Every time a colleague falls in his fight for a better world and can no longer get up, I feel sad. First, because I know why it happened, but also because it could happen to me. No one is safe and the statistics are alarming.

Let’s stop this charade and give people who take care of children and patients the means to continue to practice their profession while feeling up to the task rather than being crushed by the heavy load of networks that have not been functioning for too long. A minimum would be a decent salary commensurate with the great value they have. Everyone needs education and care during their life. The consequences of a lack of resources are too great for society as a whole. In addition, adequate working conditions are necessary so that these people can maintain the flame they had when embarking on this great adventure and which is unfortunately currently being extinguished a little more each day.

The Common Front and the FAE need to be supported in their struggle. We all need strong health and education networks, which allow the people who frequent them to be treated with dignity and all the love and respect they need to heal or grow beautifully.

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