public service unions still angry after a meeting with the minister to discuss the reform project

Trade union organizations were invited on Tuesday to debate reform at the Ministry of Transformation and Civil Service.


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The CGT, Force Ouvrière, FSU and Solidaires refused to go to the Ministry of Transformation and the Civil Service, illustration photo.  (MARTIN BERTRAND / HANS LUCAS)

In the public service, the anger of the unions does not subside. Only half of the organizations traveled on Tuesday, May 21, to the Ministry of Transformation and Civil Service, invited by Stanislas Guerini to debate reform of the sector. Among the avenues considered by the minister: merit-based pay, the elimination of categories of civil servants… A facade communication, according to the majority of unions.

The CGT, Force Ouvrière, FSU and Solidaires wanted to mark the occasion. They refused to go to the ministry. The four federations do not want this reform bill. But above all they denounce its vagueness: no text has yet been presented to them by the ministry. Only tracks that cross several of their red lines. The main one, recalls Christian Grolier for Force Ouvrière: the elimination of categories A, B and C. “The categories are not only the hierarchical classification of bodies, it is a triptych which means that we have a competition to pass, a diploma and to this diploma corresponds a category, explains Christian Grolier. This category also involves the salary scale, so what do we do tomorrow?”

The calendar is therefore also singled out. Despite meetings and working groups, it is impossible to put everything in place by this fall – the date on which the text is expected – according to Gaelle Martinez, general delegate of Solidaire civil service: “We really have the impression that in five meetings, Mr. Guerini said to himself, ‘We’re going to break everything and then we’ll see what we do afterwards’. This is totally unacceptable. These are 5.5 million agents The public are behind it and we can’t do everything and anything.”

Another major disagreement: the merit-based remuneration desired by Stanislas Guerini. Incompatible with public service. A way to respond to the savings plan desired by Bercy, according to Benoît Teste, secretary general of the FSU: “Merit is in fact the very easy instrument to justify freezing everyone’s remuneration and only upgrading a few. Obviously it costs less to upgrade only a few agents that we have designated as being What we are trying to put in place is, on the contrary, a process of alignment, competition, designating who are the good ones and who are the bad ones.”

Several unions say they are ready to return to the ministry for dialogue but there is no question, they specify, of giving in on these points, raising the possibility of a strike. If the CGT and FO point out that they have submitted a notice which covers the period of the Olympic Games, other organizations do not rule out mobilization next September.

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