Public sector strikes: tie your hats!

On December 8, 420,000 Common Front union members began a strike for seven consecutive days.

• Read also: “It is clearly insufficient”: The FIQ rejects the improved offer from Quebec

• Read also: The Common Front on strike alongside the FAE: the puzzle begins again for thousands of parents

As of Monday, the FIQ will join the Common Front.

Thus, 80,000 nurses and other health professionals will in turn walk off the job.

If nothing is resolved quickly, nearly a million state employees will be on strike in a few days…

We have seen better days within this government.

The atmosphere must be cut with a knife.

We feel a general exhaustion among the leaders of the CAQ.

When Ms. LeBel says she adds more than a billion of taxpayers’ money to the table.

Is she forgetting that public sector employees are themselves among these taxpayers?

Mr. Dubé, livid, almost speechless during a recent press briefing, insisted that his Bill 15 be adopted before the end of the session.

A health reform which raises many concerns and deserves to be further studied.

Mr. Dubé will regain his colors, the government will impose a gag order, it will pass.

Mr. Legault, upset on all sides, is going through a major zone of turbulence.

He must surely beg the heavens for these contrary winds to calm down.

Amidst all the current commotion, Mr. Drainville, whom I chastised a little last week, is beaming!

He succeeded in passing his Bill 23.

Mea culpa Mr. Drainville, your “accelerated training” of teachers would be a program of 2e cycle, aimed at people who already hold a bachelor’s degree in a related field.

The teaching baccalaureate would therefore not go from 120 to 30 credits.

The fact remains that this umpteenth educational reform is far from unanimous.

Please complete the negotiations before the holidays!

Are the health of Quebecers and the future of our children important to you?

The time has come to prove it to us.

We give you the GO, Mr. Legault!

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