Public sector strikes: the FIQ gives “a chance for conciliation”

Meeting in an extraordinary federal council until late Wednesday evening, the delegates of the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ) ruled: they are giving “a chance for conciliation” and say they are ready to negotiate throughout the holiday season. .

According to the union, no date has been determined to trigger an indefinite general strike during this extraordinary federal council. The FIQ specifies, however, that its 80,000 members — the majority of whom are nurses — voted in favor of an indefinite general strike and that this will be carried out “at the appropriate time.”

Another extraordinary federal council must be held “soon after the holidays” to discuss progress in negotiations with the government. 10 working days’ notice must be provided to the employer before proceeding with a walkout.

The Minister of Labor, Jean Boulet, announced Tuesday the appointment of a conciliator after the FIQ requested it.

Further details will follow.

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