Public sector negotiations | The FAE rejects the government’s offer and will submit a counter-offer

The Autonomous Education Federation (FAE) announced Wednesday evening its intention to submit a new counter-offer, thus rejecting the most recent regulation proposal from the Legault government, made on Monday.

As for the offer improved Wednesday afternoon by Sonia LeBel, president of the Treasury Board, which promises a salary increase of 12.7% over 5 years, the FAE also deemed it unsatisfactory. “The gap remains significant between this new offer and our demand,” said the president of the union, Mélanie Hubert.

The FAE wishes to obtain an annual salary increase oscillating between 4% and the Consumer Price Index (CPI), according to which of these figures is the highest.

“As we are also asking for corrections to our salary scale […]we will evaluate the employer proposals in their entirety,” she added.

In doing so, the unlimited general strike (GGI) in which the FAE has been engaged for 10 days will continue. In short, teachers maintain “their demands on the composition of the class, the reduction of their workload and their professional autonomy”, explained the union in a press release.

The FAE always aims to resolve the impasse in which the negotiations find themselves, in order to reach a satisfactory agreement before the holidays, she assures.

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