Public sector negotiations | Quebec’s offer, “a slap” to nurses

(Montreal) With its offer of increases of 9% over five years, the Quebec government is “slapping” the nurses, who have given so much for years, deplores the FIQ.

In an interview on Friday, Françoise Ramel, vice-president of the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé (FIQ), reported that its members, nurses, nursing assistants and other healthcare professionals were downright “offended” by the government offers presented Thursday to all state employees.

Quebec offers increases of 3% the first year, then 1.5% for each of the following four years, for a total of 9%.

It also offers a lump sum of $1,000 the first year. It also plans to devote an amount equivalent to 2.5% to “government priorities”. It is not yet known how the sum will be deployed. By adding the percentage increases, the lump sum and the amount for government priorities, Quebec arrives at an offer equivalent to 13%.

But for the FIQ, this does not take into account the glaring reality in the health network.

“Dare to offer 9% over five years, it’s really shameful on their part,” exclaimed Mme Ramel.

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