Public sector | Negotiations have resumed with civil servant unions

(Montreal) Negotiations have resumed for the two major civil servant unions, which have still not reached an agreement with the Quebec government regarding the renewal of their collective agreements.

The Union of Government Professionals of Quebec (SPGQ), which has 25,000 members in the public service, had another negotiation meeting on Thursday, with Quebec, after having resumed action on Wednesday, since the holiday adjournment.

The other large independent union, the Syndicat de la service publique et parapublic du Québec (SFPQ), which still does not have an agreement, also resumed discussions with Quebec on Wednesday. Around 30,000 of its members are affected by this negotiation.

The SFPQ reports that the discussions were adjourned around mid-December, the government wanting to give priority to negotiations in the health and education sectors.

These have also borne fruit, since Quebec has since concluded an agreement in principle with the inter-union common front, whose members work in health and education, as well as with the Autonomous Federation of Education.

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