Public sector | Bonuses extended until October 15 are still being paid

(Montreal) The payment of bonuses received by thousands of public sector workers, which was to end on October 15, has not yet been interrupted, report the unions concerned.

On September 25, the president of the Treasury Board, Sonia LeBel, asked the unions to reduce the number of their sectoral demands to five, as she herself committed to doing within two weeks, failing which these bonuses would end.

These bonuses are worth some 600 million, she said. They concern nursing staff, psychologists, specialized workers or those who work with people in CHSLDs, for example.

“We were told that the bonuses were not being cut for the moment, but nothing more. We did not have any more information,” said the first vice-president of the APTS, Josée Fréchette, in an interview on Wednesday.

At the CSN too, vice-president François Enault reports that there is “no bonus cut yet”.

These bonuses can represent thousands of dollars per affected worker. For nursing staff, these retention bonuses are 7.5% for the evening shift, 6% for the night shift and 3.5% for the day shift.

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