This species has been present in France since 2004 and has continued to spread ever since.
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The tiger mosquito is causing more and more damage in France. In 2022, with 378 imported cases of dengue fever, 23 of chikungunya and six of Zika virus, the situation was “exceptional” in metropolitan France, underlines a study by Public Health France published on Tuesday July 11. For dengue, for example, lhe number of indigenous cases identified for the year 2022 alone is higher than the number of cases identified between 2010 and 2021 (66 cases against 48).
The tiger mosquito, implanted in metropolitan France since 2004, has continued to spread across the territory. To limit the risk of transmission of the arboviruses that it can spread (dengue, chikungunya and Zika), monitoring of cases, imported and indigenous, has been in place since 2006, recalls Public Health France.
Indigenous cases refer to patients who have not traveled to areas where the virus circulates widely such as the West Indies, but were bitten by an infected mosquito in contact with an infected traveler.