BIXI, Communauto, metro, bus, taxi, carpooling: how about paying just once a month for all public or active transportation services in Montreal, based on your use, in a single application? It is on this long-term project that the Regional Metropolitan Transport Authority (ARTM) is currently working.
Posted at 9:00 a.m.
“Our goal is really to see how we can offer a real mobility portfolio, which would include public transport, bicycles or self-service cars and all emerging modes. We really want to offer travel from point A to point B, with a complete solution,” explained the ARTM’s director general, Benoît Gendron, in an interview with The Press.
Such a mobile application is however not for tomorrow. Internally, it is envisaged that it could see the light of day “gradually” over the next five or six years. Several discussions still have to take place, but already, ideas are emerging.
“That could mean, for example, that the user pays his public transport bill at the end of the month, depending on how he uses it. We would then calculate the most interesting package, with a ceiling, to be able to pay according to the modes used, rather than paying at the beginning of the month to have a limited title, ”specifies the spokesperson for the organization, Simon Charbonneau.
The app stopwatch, offered for a few months, already includes the services offered by transport operators in Greater Montreal. But she sticks to it. What is currently being prepared at the ARTM is a veritable “buffet of services”, where everything would be offered in the same place, for a price adapted to each use.
“When we talk about dusting off public transit, that’s really what it’s all about,” says Benoît Gendron bluntly.

Benoît Gendron, director general of the ARTM
It means making it easy and predictable to travel by public transport, as it is with Uber or other platforms, for example. For a user who wants to get to the city center quickly, it can in particular be an electric bike that takes him to the metro, and so on. All of this would be integrated into the application itself.
Benoît Gendron, director general of the ARTM
According to our information, Quebec has also instructed the ARTM to examine the possibility of offering such a platform beyond Greater Montreal. Each city could thus possibly use it according to its own regional mobility realities.
A “very buoyant” project
According to Pierre Barrieau, an expert in transportation planning from the University of Montreal, the idea of an all-encompassing application is very promising. “It’s what we call in English the MAAS, for mobility as a service. Instead of buying a car, we sell the fact of buying a multitude of modes, and not just the metro or the bus, for example,” he explains.
It really is the next step in public transit. The number 1 problem at the moment is that all the technological platforms like BIXI, the STM or Communauto, they don’t talk to each other. Bringing them together is not only very achievable, but above all very pragmatic.
Pierre Barrieau, transport planning expert from the University of Montreal
Two other innovations should also arrive next year in Greater Montreal: open payment, which would be done in the metro or buses using a credit or debit card, and recharging the OPUS card at the means of a smart phone. Both initiatives were the subject of a pilot project, the conclusions of which appear to be satisfactory.
All this occurs when, since the 1er July, transit passes by city gave way to “metropolitan” passes in Greater Montreal. All users must now pay between $94 and $255 monthly to travel through the network, depending on the number of zones used daily.
Essentially, this overhaul brings together four zones in Greater Montreal: zone A (Montreal agglomeration), zone B (Laval and Longueuil agglomeration) and zones C and D (north and south crowns). Two main titles remain: one “all modes”, which allows use of the metro, the Metropolitan Express Network (REM), buses and suburban trains, the other called “bus everywhere”, which allows use all bus networks in the metropolitan area. “Special REM-related” bus fares are also offered as needed.
Thus, a Montrealer who paid $90.50 for a monthly fare from the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) must now switch to the “all modes A” fare to travel on the island, which costs $94. An “all modes AB” title costs $150, while you have to pay $184 for an “all modes ABC” title and $255 for an “all modes ABCD” title. All bus networks in Montreal, Laval and Longueuil are grouped together under the same “Bus Pass”, which costs $105 per month. The “unitary” title is maintained at $3.50.
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- 15%
- “Permanent” loss of income with which the ARTM expects to have to deal, even after the end of the pandemic. This year, the losses are estimated between 250 and 400 million dollars.
Source: Regional Metropolitan Transport Authority
- 65%
- Level of public transit ridership compared to pre-pandemic
Source: Regional Metropolitan Transport Authority