“Psychologically fragile”: Nicolas Hulot took refuge in Saint-Lunaire with his wife and children

After the publication of the ephemeral magazine’s investigation Ebdo in 2018 and the media storm that followed, Nicolas Hulot was able to resume the normal course of his life with complete discretion. This time, the former Minister of the Ecological Transition decided, faced with the new investigation ofCorrespondent broadcast on November 25, to withdraw completely from public life. Anticipating the scandal, the presenter ofUshuaia had chosen the same crisis strategy as for the previous “case”, going on the set of BFMTV to speak before the disclosure of the accusations of rape, sexual assault and harassment. He is now reclusive at his home in Saint-Lunaire, a seaside resort on the Emerald Coast where he has lived since 2005, reveals the magazine. Paris Match who investigated this scandal and in particular, those who knew.

Since the revelations of last Thursday, he has taken refuge at home, in Saint-Lunaire in Ile-et-Vilaine, where his wife and children are also located. Contacted, his lawyer did not wish to answer us“, writing Paris Match about the current situation of Nicolas Hulot. In a video from 2019 for Belgian media The selfr, Nicolas Hulot was showing his home for journalists: “The house, I have lived there for fifteen years, the beach, I have been seeing her since I was born. Something that reassures me is that when you take the postcards from that time, nothing has changed. In a world where everything changes, a little too quickly for my taste, to have a place that is a little unchanging, that reassures me. Sometimes, I catch myself with my children doing the same things I did with my parents. And then there is something that I adore and which replenishes me on a daily basis, it is to hear the tides, the waves, the blowing of the wind at night.” For Paris Match Six years ago, the champion of ecology had already spoken of this place to which he is very attached and of the importance of preserving nature in the face of climate change.

It is in this context that Nicolas Hulot withdrew. “He is deeply affected, believes former MEP Jean-Paul Besset, one of his relatives who confided in Paris Match. And when he feels at the end, tired, bruised, devastated, he withdraws and speaks to no one. “The tireless adventurer is”psychologically fragile according to the magazine, which was also palpable during his last televised intervention on BFM. In front of Bruce Toussaint, he even ended up saying to the people who accuse him: “You’re not just playing with reputation, but with a man’s life. “

In Saint-Lunaire, Nicolas Hulot is with his wife of Florence lasserre. They met at a mutual friend’s dinner during a week-long ski vacation in Chamonix. In VSD in 2016, she confided in her relationship: “What I liked about him was not so much his adventurous side and his expeditions to the four corners of the planet, which ultimately impressed me relatively little, but more certainly his great sensitivity to nature. I was a flight attendant. My job, coupled with Nicolas’ frequent and long trips, quickly became incompatible with family life.. “They said yes in 2002 in Vaucluse and are parents of two sons Nelson and Titouan – he also has a daughter Lea, born from her marriage to Isabelle Patissier. Of her husband, she knew that he had the reputation of being a ladies’ man, and she will say for the biographer Bérengère Bonte and his book Healthy Nicolas : “At the beginning, I did not live it well. Now, I put it into perspective. Or I do the ostrich. ” When he resigned his post as minister in 2018, she was by his side while he was deeply moved, more complicit than ever.

Nicolas Hulot remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is accused.

Find the entire file in the magazine Paris Match of 2 December 2021

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