In a new investigation by “Elle” magazine, 41 women testified against the psychoanalyst. The latter, already implicated, denied these other accusations.
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The testimonies against Gérard Miller are piling up. The psychoanalyst and television columnist was targeted at the end of January by accusations of sexual assault and rape by three women, notably during hypnosis sessions, in the magazine She. Ten others, including three minors, implicated him in an article in Mediapart on Tuesday. A second magazine survey She, published Thursday February 8, reports 41 new testimonies. Three of them accuse him of rape and 15 of sexual assault during events which allegedly took place between 1993 and 2020.
The victims evoke the same operating mode, “that of a man the age of their father approaching very young girls, sitting in the audience of his shows or moving around in his personal entourage”, writes the magazine. Gérard Miller would have arranged to meet them, most often, at his Parisian home for a hypnosis session.
“When I wake up, I’m lying in bed”
Charlotte, 15 years old at the time, says that it all started while she was watching the show “On a tout être”, hosted by Laurent Ruquier. Spotted in the audience by the columnist, she was invited to his home a few days later. After tasting a soda, “it’s the black hole”she says. “When I wake up, I’m lying in a bed upstairs, on my stomach, in my panties, with my pants down around my ankles. He massages my back, my buttocks, and also my breasts, running his hands over my chest. I’m in a panic, I’m very scared, he says to me: ‘Relax, you’re super tense’.”.
Another victim, Ariane*, then aged 17, says that after a lunch shared with Laurent Ruquier and Gérard Miller, 53 at the time, the latter invited her to his home. She remembers waking up with the columnist lying on top of her. “He asked me if I had ever slept with a boy. I said ‘no’. He said, ‘I won’t be your first, but we can do other things.'” She accuses the psychoanalyst of having forced her to perform oral sex on him.
He “was doing his shopping”, says a technician
This behavior was known to his colleagues. Columnist for the show “We tried everything”, Isabelle Alonso, always close to the psychoanalyst, ensures that“We often criticized him for his way of spotting young girls in the audience, and going to hook them up during breaks”. A technician from the show describes a man who “did his market” and who, systematically, would discuss with the “Girls”.
Narjes was 15 years old in 1993 when she met Gérard Miller on his vacation in Tunisia. “[Il] was the attraction of the village, he spoke to all the young people, spoke informally to everyone”, she relates. During a final hypnosis session, Narjes, who has formed a holiday relationship with the psychoanalyst’s stepson, remembers her struggle to stay awake. “
“While I was completely elsewhere, I felt him take off my jeans and my panties, then put his fingers inside me. He was pushing hard, I was in pain. At the end , I heard him say: ‘When you wake up, you won’t remember anything.'”
Narjes, young woman who implicates Gérard Millerto “Elle” magazine
Initially, Gérard Miller, 75 years old, responded to the magazine by email that he was “impossible, taking into account in particular the brevity of the deadline granted and the lack of precision of the stories mentioned, to respond to such accusations in conditions dignified and respectful of the speech and rights of each and everyone”. The psychoanalyst then reacted on the social network. If he admits to having had “all along [sa] life a large number of encounters, attractions or adventures”he rejects “in the most categorical way possible any sexual assault and, even more so, any rape” and claims to have ensured “of the consent of women” frequented.
He concedes, however, that it is obvious to him today, “but not at the time, that there could sometimes have been between younger women and [lui]taking into account [s]“our status as a man of power, an asymmetry” who “would now seem prohibitive”.
∗ The first name has been changed