The questions asked to clairvoyants revolve a lot around love and work, as Franceinfo noted.
Reading time: 1 min

It is in her apartment that Isabelle Vion, 71, member of the National Institute of Divinatory Arts, welcomes us. Here, no particular decoration, no crystal ball, no map. This clairvoyant only needs a notebook and the pages are well filled. The period from the end of December to February is always intense. “It seems like people are giving each other the word to find out very, very quickly.”
The phone rings for a consultation. Anne, a 56-year-old single mother, would like to know her romantic future. Isabelle took notes and had what she calls flashes. Verdict: “This year, things are going to change Anne.”
The cost: 30 euros for 10 minutes of consultation, but it doesn’t matter because Anne asks a lot of questions and wants to know what awaits her. “It’s important because without love, life is complicated, she confides. Loneliness is terrible.”
Questions about love and work
Will I find love? Will my relationship last? These are questions that come up regularly during this period. According to Isabelle, there is another area of concern, employment. “There are quite a few men who are around 50 years old and who want to know where they are going in terms of business and work.” No matter the subject, the clairvoyant assures: “people want to know because it can also help them to perhaps have a better year.” They are sometimes anxious, adds Isabelle Viant.
So, what does 2024 have in store for me? It’s my turn to know. Installed in her living room, Isabelle agreed to give me a session. After a few moments, that’s it, I’m fixed. “As a couple this year? I don’t think so, but a meeting yes. It’s funny because I see a person with slightly light hair, not tall and very nice.” And on a professional level, “There is a momentum that is very, very positive.” The appointment has already been made in a year to take stock.