This Saturday, June 11,he PSG Handball won the final French Cup against HBC Nantes on the score of 36 to 31. Undefeated in the league this season (30 wins out of 30 Starligue games), Paris wins its 6th French Cup against Nantes who nevertheless believed they could reverse the trend at the start of the second period.
A match mastered from start to finish by PSG
Dominating in the first half, the Parisians led by center half Luc Stein (MVP of the season) quickly widened the gap against Nantes, returning to the locker room with 5 steps ahead (13-18).
The spectacular Mickaël Robin show
A match controlled by PSGwho nevertheless had to face a Mickael Robin of great eveningsauthor of several spectacular parries in the second half allowing Nantes to come back to 2 goals.
– Jerome Fouquet
Despite this, PSG remains dominant, in particular through Nedim Remili scored six goals and the defensive work of the Karabatic brothers. A victory that allows Parisians to do the double league cup.
– Denis Trasfi
Last game at PSG for five executive players
On the Parisian side, a lot of emotion for Mikkel Hansen, Benoît Kounkoud, Nedim Remili and the pair of goalkeeper Yann Genty-Vincent Gérard who will no longer be red and blue next year. Among Nantes, Kiril Lazarov, David Balaguer, Dragan Pechmalbec, Emil Nielsen and Mickaël Robin also played their last meeting under the colors of H.