PSG on tour in amateur clubs in the Paris suburbs

They surely don’t have never sweat so much. The young footballers of the amateur club of Franconville had the right to a very special training this Wednesday. Their club is part of the PSG tour, which is packing its bags with educators, professional players the time of an afternoon in a city during these school holidays.

The PSG “Club Tour” ends this week. © Radio France
Elie Abergel

This Wednesday in Franconville, several dozen young people were able to rub shoulders with training more intense than usual. They were also able to meet players like defender Colin Dagba, goalkeeper Alexandre Letellier, but also professional players, like Laurina Fazer or Kadidiatou Diani.

Connecting young children to women’s football

For these two footballers, it is important that young children meet top-level athletes.

When I was little, I told myself that I was a fan of Cristiano Ronaldo, I did not know that girls played football“, begins Kadidiatou Diani.

The club settles down for an afternoon on the field of suburban clubs.
The club settles down for an afternoon on the field of suburban clubs. © Radio France
Elie Abergel

I didn’t know there was a French women’s team, so I had no reference for girls. It’s important to see that there are girls who are top athletes. Children do not always know women, putting a face on us players gives them a little something extra“, she details.

Lucie, 9 years old, and budding attacker, for example, is delighted to have been able to meet professional footballers.I asked them to take a photo, I want to become like them, the best players in PSG“, smiled the girl.

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