PSG dreams of a “magical evening” against Lyon

In a season that is not easy in terms of group life, the women’s section of PSG will treat itself to a gala evening this Saturday evening. In front of more than 40,000 spectators, the Parisiennes will challenge Lyon. A semi-final of the Champions League that PSG approaches in unfavorable tie. OL won the first leg 3 goals to 2 and to qualify PSG must imperatively win (one goal difference = extra time and two goals difference minimum = qualification).

More than 40,000 spectators expected

Before this meeting, PSG has already won a battle in this semi-final, that of attendance. This Saturday, PSG will beat its record for tickets sold for a women’s football match. More than 40,000 spectators are expected, unheard of for the Parisian section “After the Bayern Munich match (LDC quarter-final second leg – 27,500 spectators), it will still be a magical evening for us”, explained Grace Geyoro the captain of PSG. “They’ll be there to push us. It’s heartwarming to know that these people are coming to cheer us on. We’re going to return the favor on the pitch. We’re going to give 200% and I hope it’s going to be a night magical.”

“We are living a season that is not easy”

“Despite everything that happened, we managed to bond together, whether in difficult times or in certain meetings where it was not easy. We went to draw on this strength and that’s what makes ‘we are here today’launched the Parisian midfielder at a press conference.

The week in Paris has been turbulent, after an altercation in training last Saturday before the first leg lost 3-2 in Lyon, then the withdrawal for a few days of Kheira Hamraoui, involved in the incident and absent for the double confrontation against OL. All the players say it, we are living through a season that is not easy. But we stayed strong in our heads and focused on our goals.”took over Geyoro on the eve of the semi-final return to the Parc des Princes.

The absence of Hamraoui, whose aggression in November in the presence of his teammate Aminata Diallo continues to shake up the locker room, modifies the plans of coach Didier Ollé-Nicolle, but he did not wish to make a subject of it. adult on the eve of the meeting. “In all teams, a player is missing at a key moment. That’s how it is, we have to find a solution”he told the press, insisting on “consistency of services” of the team.

Raise the level of play by at least 5%

If PSG wants to win its ticket to the third Champions League final in its history, it must imperatively win against OL. Before this meeting, the Parisian coach Didier Ollé-Nicolle said he was confident:

We had a very coherent match in Lyon, I think. Last Monday, the newspaper l’Equipe headlined “Lyon takes the gifts”, that’s it. It’s part of the game. But we have to do better, we’ve already played better games than this, especially when we beat Lyon 3-0 in the Coupe de France. The girls have potential to exploit, if they do the work on Saturday each in their position, raising their level by 5%, with the support of the public. All week, we tried to keep the vibes positive. There is a game to be won. The objective is not to calculate.

This PSG – OL meeting can be followed in full on France Bleu Paris with Pia Clemens, Bruno Salomon and Bruno Hermant.

With AFP

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