PS, PCF, EELV and LFI call for “the constitution of a new popular front” and “single candidates from the first round”

This call follows the meeting of left-wing parties on Monday the day after the dissolution of the National Assembly and the calling of early legislative elections “to deal with the historical situation of the country”.



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A protester holds a sign that reads "Popular Front" during a demonstration against the far right, in Marseille on June 10, 2024. (NICOLAS TUCAT / AFP)

Several left-wing parties are calling on Monday June 10 to “the constitution of a new popular front” and to “unique applications from the first round”Franceinfo learned from Environmentalists. “We call for the creation of a new popular front bringing together in a new form all the humanist, union, associative and citizen left-wing forces”write the Ecologists-EELV, La France Insoumise, the French Communist Party, the Socialist Party, Place publique, Génération⸱s, and the Republican and Socialist Left (GRS) in a joint appeal.

“In each constituency, we want to support unique candidates from the first round”, indicate the signatories of this call for a popular front. Applications “will carry a disruptive program detailing the measures to be taken in the first 100 days of the government of the new popular front”.

“Our objective is to govern to respond to democratic, ecological, social and peace emergencies.”

Environmentalists, LFI, PCF, PS, Public square, Generation⸱s, GRS

in a press release

The signatories also call, “echoing the call of unions and youth” this Monday evening, at “join the processions and demonstrate widely”. “The way we govern, on a clear course, we want to build this new popular front with all the forces that share this ambition and this hope.”

The bosses of the various left-wing parties, gathered at the foot of the headquarters of the Ecologist party in the 10th arrondissement in Paris, took turns speaking in front of the crowd, a few minutes after announcing their union for the legislative elections. “We still have a lot of work, everything remains to be done, we are going to need you”declared Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the Ecologists, in front of the crowd gathered for the occasion, chanting “Popular Front !” And “Don’t betray us!”.

“We express our desire to join together in this battle to propose an alternative to Emmanuel Macron’s policies and to fight the racist extreme right”, declared Manuel Bompard national coordinator of the LFI. He expressed his desire to come together “around joint candidates for the legislative elections who will defend a program of rupture”.

“We want to take the oath before you to be united until victory”, said Fabien Roussel, the national secretary of the PCF. Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS, wanted to meet “with all those who cannot resolve to make France a country that succumbs to the extreme right”. “We are a mixed country, proud of its different origins, a country which does not sort between its children. We are a country which stands up to say ‘no’ to the extreme right and ‘yes’ to democracy”he declared, megaphone in hand.

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