PS MP Valérie Rabault deplores the objectives for 3919, revised downwards by the government

According to the budget document mentioned by the Vice-President of the National Assembly, a target of 85% of calls handled had been set for the period 2021-2023, but the government has decided to lower it to 75% in 2023.

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Socialist MP Valérie Rabault denounced, Wednesday, October 5, the fact that the government is lowering the objectives set for the 3919 hotline, set up for victims of domestic violence. “Fight against violence against women: mind-blowing”she wrote on Twitter, above the screenshot of a budget document annexed to the finance bill for 2023.

“The government announces that the quality of service objective for 2023 has been revised downwards (75% instead of 85% for the rate of calls handled)”, continues the MP. The Vice-President of the National Assembly adds that the Socialists “will table an amendment so that sufficient resources are given to 3919 so that calls can be processed” and invite “all the deputies of the Assembly to vote for this amendment” as part of the budget review.

“We are waiting for explanations” of Aurore Bergé, the leader of the Renaissance deputies, reacted the LFI deputy Manuel Bompard by relaying on Twitter the message of Valérie Rabault, the day after a skirmish in the hemicycle between Aurore Bergé and LFI around the subject of gender-based and sexual violence.

The indicator to which Valérie Rabault refers is established by dividing the number of calls to 3919 actually handled by the number of calls received. According to the budget document she mentions, a target of 85% had been set for the period 2021-2023, but the government decided to lower it to 75% in 2023 to take account of call traffic which “stay very strong” and an opening now 24 hours a day which “still requires adjustments to best size human resources”.

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