This aid “concerns 800,000 people”, specified PS MP Philippe Brun, this corresponds to “the number of people who live below the poverty line and who have a child in their care”.
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“We are happy to have obtained this amendment from the government worth 70 million euros and which will provide a Christmas bonus to these extremely precarious people”indicated Tuesday, November 7 on franceinfo, Philippe Brun socialist deputy for Eure.
After negotiations with the presidential majority, the Socialist Party obtained from the government exceptional aid of 115 to 200 euros for single-parent families. This aid will be paid in addition to the Christmas bonus. This is’“an increase in the Christmas bonus which is paid to parents who raise their children alone and who live below the poverty line”specified Philippe Brun, confirming information from the newspaper The Parisian.
“We wanted to table this amendment to allow single-parent families to benefit from an increased Christmas bonus”, continues the PS deputy for Eure. In exchange the PS is ready to abstain on the bill to end government management which must be voted on on Wednesday. This abstention prevents the government from using 49-3. “This is an end-of-management finance bill and therefore to know what we do with a certain number of credits which were not used during the year”explained Philippe Brun.
A helping hand to those “who need help at the end of the year”
The member for Eure is confident: “This amendment that I am carrying will normally be adopted today [mercredi]“ by the National Assembly, because it “has the favorable opinion of the government and it is supported by the entire left, we are hopeful that it will be adopted. In any case, we have an agreement with the government”. This help “concerns 800,000 people”specified Philippe Brun, it is the “number of people who live below the poverty line and who have a child in their care”.
As “the government did not want to use article 49.3”he has “so put in a situation of having to discuss and negotiate with different opposition groups. For our part, we have a priority, that of single-parent families”, insists Phiippe Brun. There is “25% of single-parent families in France and 83% of single parents raising their children are women and 40% of these people today live below the poverty line”he specifies.
For him, it’s about giving a helping hand to those “who need help at the end of the year, we are not playing into the hands of the government, we are acting to improve the situation of French people”.