proxy requests explode


Video length: 2 min

Legislative 2024: proxy requests explode
Legislative 2024: proxy requests explode
(France 2)

The return to the polls is approaching. The first round of the legislative elections will be held on Sunday June 30, and the second round a week later, on July 7. Many requests for proxies are made.

Any voter who wishes to vote by proxy must go to a police station, a gendarmerie station or the reception of a court, in particular to have their identity certified. Proxies are pouring in before the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. It is advisable not to go to have your power of attorney validated on a Saturday, the busiest day, but also to fill out the form on the Internet beforehand.

Officially, there is no deadline for establishing your proxy voting request. In fact, people who take care of the procedures the day before the vote will have little chance of seeing their ballot counted. More than 400,000 proxies were validated between June 10 and 17, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

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