Provident insurance for liberal professions: details of the reform

All liberal professions (osteopaths, dieticians, psychologists, psychotherapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, etc. will be able to benefit from daily allowances in the event of a work stoppage, thanks to a measure introduced by the government.

Michel Picon, the president of the UNAPL (the National Union of Liberal Professions), qualifies this reform as “historic social progress” for the 1.5 million liberal professionals, which should see the light of day by July 2021.

What is the origin of this project?

The National Union of Liberal Professions (UNAPL), which is at the origin of this project, noted that very few liberals have a guarantee for daily allowances (only 20 to 25% of them).

In addition, only 4 of the 10 pension funds for liberal professionals federated by the CNAVPL provide for the payment of IJ and only after a waiting period of 90 days.
The trigger is none other than the first confinement linked to the coronavirus health crisis. Indeed, many health professionals found themselves either ill or in case of contact, or forced to stay at home to look after their children and unlike employees, they did not receive any compensation (at best, for a limited number of them). , they had to wait 90 days before getting YIs).

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What are the terms of this project?

It is the UNAPL which defined, with the National old-age insurance fund for liberal professions (CNAVPL), the terms of daily allowances. These will apply with a 3-day waiting period, for 90 days. Beyond the 90 days, it is the professional pension funds that will take over.

The contributions will be collected by the Urssaf and the payment of the IJ will be made by the primary health insurance funds (CPAM).

The contribution rate is set at 0.30% of the BNC (Non Commercial Benefit) with an annual income ceiling limited to 3 annual social security ceilings (PASS, € 41,136). In fact, the maximum annual contribution may not exceed € 370 per year for liberal workers whose income is greater than or equal to 3 PASS. The minimum contribution will be calculated on the basis of 40% of the PASS, which represents approximately 50 euros per year.

Finally, the daily allowances will be calculated according to the annual income (they will be 1 / 730th of the annual income, as is the case for employees and traders, but capped at 3 PASS).

For example, the daily allowance will amount to 169 euros on the basis of an income greater than or equal to 3 PASS, and 22 euros per day for an annual income equivalent to 40% of the PASS.

To find out more, we invite you to read the following article in its entirety:

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