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Tuesday, April 5, after the discovery of hundreds of bodies of civilians in Boutcha, Ukraine, the inhabitants want to prove that the Russian soldiers committed massacres.
Tuesday, April 5, satellite images could prove the responsibility of the Russian army in the abuses of Boutcha (Ukraine), where the bodies of civilians were discovered. In a photo from March 19, when the city was under Russian control, silhouettes stand out on the roadway. The positions of the bodies match those discovered on Friday April 1, when Russian troops withdrew from the city. Russia continues to claim that the Russian military is not responsible.
However, the testimonies are pouring in. Near the Boutcha church, where the bodies are buried, Andrii Halavin, the parish priest, testifies. “Not far from here, people were tortured. Their hands were tied, they were blindfolded”, he assures. In the towns from which the Russian forces have withdrawn, other civilians could be discovered in the coming days.