Protests in Ecuador | MPs debate procedure to impeach president

(Quito) Ecuadorian deputies were to debate on Saturday a procedure for the dismissal of conservative President Guillermo Lasso filed by the opposition, after almost two weeks of indigenous demonstrations, sometimes violent, against the cost of living.

Posted at 4:45 p.m.

At the request of MPs supporting former Socialist President Rafael Correa (2007-2017), the unicameral Parliament will meet at 6 p.m. (2300 GMT).

The opposition, in the majority, but divided, blames the president for the “serious political crisis” which has shaken the country since June 13, with daily demonstrations and blockades.

In power for a year, the latter will be able to speak to the deputies, even if it has not been specified in what form, the head of state having recently been diagnosed with COVID-19.

After the debates, the deputies will have 72 hours to vote. A majority of 92 votes out of 137 is required for the impeachment procedure to pass.

Nearly 14,000 demonstrators are mobilized across the country to protest against the rising cost of living and demand in particular a drop in fuel prices, according to the police, who estimate their number at nearly 10,000 in the capital.


President Guillermo Lasso

“The purpose of all this violence is to perpetrate a coup,” Mr. Lasso accused on Friday. He also attacked Leonidas Iza, leader of the powerful Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie), spearheading the protests.

“Iza is no longer in control. He no longer has any control over the protests and the criminality that his irresponsible actions have generated,” accused the president, who recently received support from the army.

The violence left six people dead and dozens injured. Quito is largely paralyzed and its access blocked by numerous roadblocks.

On Saturday morning, hundreds of indigenous women held a traditional ritual in northern Quito, before marching with anti-government slogans.

“The basic food basket is very expensive and our agricultural products […] worth nothing,” said Miguel Taday, 39, a potato farmer in Chimborazo (south).

“We will continue to fight here, until the last consequences,” said Wilmer Umajinga, 35, who has been protesting in the capital since Monday.

In Quito, residents are expressing their fatigue with closed stores and shortages of certain products. Counter-demonstrations were organized to cries of “Iza, out! “.

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