Protests against the Iranian regime | Protesters take to the streets in support of Iranian women

(Montreal) While Iran is shaken by a wave of revolts surrounding the wearing of the veil, demonstrators marched on Saturday in the streets of Montreal to denounce the oppression of the Iranian authorities against women.

Posted at 4:07 p.m.

Elo Gauthier Lamothe
The Canadian Press

With their palms painted red, about 20 women led the crowd, holding together a banner that read “No to the Islamic Republic” in Canada’s two official languages.

Chanting slogans in French, English and Persian, such as “Liberty and democracy in Iran” and “Woman, life, freedom”, the participants marched from Place Émilie-Gamelin to Canada Square. The songs also called on the Canadian government to sanction Iran in order to put pressure on its leaders.


Rally in support of Iranian women in downtown Montreal on Saturday

The march comes amid rising violence against Iranian women as well as the murder of Mahsa Amini, a young woman who died at the hands of Iranian vice police after being arrested for wearing her veil incorrectly on 16 last September.

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