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Tuesday, October 18, many demonstrations took place in France. The strikers are demanding wage increases and have other demands.
In the processions, Tuesday, October 18, the demonstrators ask for an increase in wages. A researcher at the CNRS for twenty years ensures that her salary has not changed for several years. Unfreezing the index point for civil servants is not enough, she says: “25 euros is nothing”, she says. After the requisitions ordered by the government in the refineries, some defended the right to strike. “When we bring the police to people’s homes, in front of their children, telling them ‘you are going to work, otherwise you are going to custody’, for me it is not possible”assures a railway worker.
Two social work trainers are asking for more resources for the public service. “The budgets allocated to social and medico-social institutions suffer from rationalization”, explains one of them. A student went to demonstrate to demand the indexation of scholarships to inflation, but also the increase of the minimum wage.