protesters face jail



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While questions about the outcome of the war in Ukraine remain, Vladimir Putin is said to be increasingly isolated, facing the first visible fracture in Russia since he announced the mobilization of reservists on Thursday, September 22. His answer on Saturday: the dismissal of one of his main generals and a new law increasing the penalties for those who plan not to fight.

Vladimir Putin, contested by part of his people, is increasingly isolated on the international scene. A bad patch, symbolized by new demonstrations, Saturday, September 24, in Moscow. Finally rather, by these hundreds of interpellations. A woman is arrested as soon as she chants her slogan against the mobilization of reservists. In fact, there is no gathering possible for these Russians, who had given the instruction to dress in black.

Vladimir Poutine is thus obliged to intensify repression, in particular against those which refuse to fight. On Saturday, September 24, he signed an amendment providing for ten years in prison for soldiers who desert, but also for those who flee when they have been summoned. That same day, 2,300 cars were waiting at a border post with Georgia, with Russians on board who refused to go to battle in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin is also confronted with the incompetence of some of his generals, as Dmitry Bulgakov, in charge of logistics for the Russian army, was sacked on Saturday September 24, replaced by another general, targeted by Western sanctions for his role. in the headquarters of Mariupol. Its new organizational challenge: summon thousands of reservists, equip them, train them as quickly as possible and send them to the front.

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