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A man notably chanted a slogan regularly taken up during demonstrations in France, before being tackled to the ground and arrested by the Amsterdam police.
“We’re here, we’re here, even if Macron doesn’t want us, we’re here!” The visit of the French president to the Netherlands was again disrupted on Wednesday April 12 by two demonstrators, on his arrival at the University of Amsterdam, according to images filmed by television and the local police. Before being arrested, they had time to chant the slogan associated with the movement of “yellow vests” and regularly sang in the demonstrations organized in France against the pension reform.
Television images then show the man stopped in his tracks and brutally tackled to the ground near Emmanuel Macron. This does not prevent him from continuing to sing several times: “For the honor of the workers, even if Macron does not want to, we are here.”
The two demonstrators, a man and a woman, were arrested for “disturbing public order and threatening” because they “ran towards the president”, Amsterdam police spokesman Lex Van Liebergen told AFP. One of the arrested protesters had a banner, she added. A dozen other protesters were nearby, but Lex van Liebergen could not specify whether the individuals arrested were part of this group. The Head of State had already been interrupted the day before during a speech on Europe in The Hague.