Protester of Russian TV condemned, possible withdrawal of Jean Lassalle from the presidential election… The informed of franceinfo on Tuesday March 15

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Tuesday March 15, 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Tuesday March 15, 2022.

The themes :

Russian protester: Marina Ovsiannikova, the producer who burst in during a news on the popular Russian television channel Pervy-Kanal, was fined on Tuesday. What is the weight of Russian public opinion in this conflict?

– Salary of civil servants: one month before the presidential election, the government announced the thaw of the index point “before summer”. Is this an electoral measure?

Possible withdrawal of Jean Lassalle: the candidate Resist! “strongly consider” to withdraw from the race for the Elysée, denouncing in particular the fact of not having been invited to the “debate on Olympism next Thursday”.

The Informed:

Audrey Goutard, Ijournalist, head of the investigation and reporting department in France Televisions

– Sophie de Ravinel senior reporter for the political service of the Figaro

– Gaspard Gantzer, President of Gantzer Agency, former adviser to François Hollande, teacher at SciencesPo

– Patrick Le Hyaric starcolumnist at Humanity

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