Protection of natural environments: Greater Montreal is committed to reaching 30% by 2030

The Montreal Metropolitan Community (CMM) intends to protect 30% of its natural environments by 2030, thus setting itself the objectives promoted by the Conference of Parties (COP15) which is currently being held in the Quebec metropolis.

• Read also: COP15: All the way to Montreal to denounce a Canadian mine that threatens the Amazon

• Read also: Demonstrators to denounce “hypocrisy” and “masquerade” at COP15

However, Greater Montreal is already well advanced in its objective since 22.3% of the territory is already the subject of a conservation measure, which represents more than 53,000 hectares.

“For 50 years, 70% of wildlife has disappeared on a planetary scale. It is enormous. We must therefore take strong, rapid and concrete action to reduce the threats to biodiversity by raising our objectives for the protection of green and blue spaces,” said Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal and President of the CMM.

The CMM thus wishes to continue to finance projects for the acquisition of natural environments, as was the case recently with the protection of 25 hectares in the Saint-François wood in Laval or even 19 hectares in the Sabourin wood by Saint-Bruno- de-Montarville.

The creation of a network of metropolitan parks is also envisaged with the municipal partners of Greater Montreal, in particular with the conversion of golf courses. By 2030, more than 14,000 hectares of parks could be inventoried, or 37 times the area of ​​Mount Royal Park.

Remember that Quebec pledged earlier this week to invest $650 million to preserve 30% of its territory by 2030.

source site-64