The New Popular Front candidate wants to repeal the pension reform if she becomes Prime Minister.
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An unexpected name. Lucie Castets, the senior civil servant proposed by the left for the post of Prime Minister, told AFP on Tuesday July 23 that she had accepted “in all humility but with great conviction”considering herself to be a candidate “credible and serious” for Matignon.
Aged 37 and from civil society, she said that among her “big priorities” L’“repeal of pension reform” by Emmanuel Macron, a “major tax reform so that everyone, individuals and multinationals, pays their fair share”. She also mentioned a “improvement of purchasing power” by the revaluation of salaries and the increase in social benefits, as well as the “end of the regression of public services”.
“I think it is essential to give an embodiment to the result of the ballot boxes” while taking note “because there is no absolute majority”with a profile from civil society, she added. Asked about her intentions, in the event of being appointed head of government, while the NFP, while coming out on top in the legislative elections, does not have an absolute majority, she estimated that several “subjects expressed in the ballot boxes” could “to give rise to majorities”. “The idea is to enforce the result of the ballot boxes based on the NFP program, and to find majorities text by text”she pleaded.