Property on three floors, XXL swimming pool… The famous footballer is heating up the credit card!

At 37, Cristiano Ronaldo hopes to win other trophies in the future. Competitor and born hard worker, the footballer never rests on his laurels. Thanks to his determination and hard work, CR7 was able to achieve his dreams. In particular one: to mark the history of football with its innumerable prowess. “I am aware that what I have achieved in football will remain engraved, but I want to continue, I want to leave my mark. If I have broken so many records, it is no coincidence. It’s not an obsession, for me, but it’s something I love. These records are there to be broken. It motivates me to train and play better and better. I have the ambition to always improve myself, and to stay at the highest possible level., he told UEFA. com.

To date, Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the highest paid players in the world. So obviously, the darling of Georgina Rodriguez refuses nothing when he wants to have fun. It’s no secret that the happy father of five likes to treat himself to beautiful things: watches and luxury clothes, thundering cars and dream villas! In the summer, Cristiano Ronaldo mainly likes to relax in his native land in Portugal.

“It’s going to be a crazy decoration…”

Recently, the sportsman has also acquired a nice property in the Cascais region, the initial price of which was around 11 million euros. His sublime villa of 2720 square meters with three floors and a huge swimming pool would be located in the Quinta de Marinha district not far from Lisbon. The main interested party constantly sees things big… Before settling there, the ex-acolyte of Karim Benzema wanted to do some work.

To date, his new property would be worth no less than 21 million euros. Thus, the ex-companion of Irina Shayk offers the most expensive residence in Portugal. A new record for the champion. “It’s fun and it’s deserved”, “It’s going to be crazy decorating”, “Can’t wait to see some pictures of his house”, analyzed some Twitters. But this purchase revives rumors about his retirement from sport. Will he soon hang up his cleats to spend happy days there surrounded by his family? The mystery remains…


see also: Georgina Rodriguez: Cristiano Ronaldo’s companion declares war on Jessica Thivenin!

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