The City of Montreal is facing twice as many challenges to its land role this year compared to the previous evaluation cycle, the department concerned indicated on Wednesday.
Some 6,065 Montreal owners contested the 2023-2025 assessment of their building, compared to 3,040 for the 2020-2022 roll.
“It’s a volume that is still quite a bit larger,” indicated Bernard Côté, chief evaluator, during a presentation at city hall. “For the first time, taxpayers could submit their review requests online, rather than coming on site or sending a form. »
The new municipal role for 2023-2025, unveiled in September 2022, provides for an average increase in property values of 32.4%, which has caused a lot of discontent among the population. When submitting its budget, the Plante administration decided on an average tax increase of 4.9% for the residential sector and 4.6% for the non-residential sector.
With Isabelle Ducas, The Press