Prominent abs and pectorals, his son Kezian at 20 and he has changed a lot…

For the Delay clan, sport runs in the family. Before experiencing success thanks to 2Be3 and moving on to a career as a model and then as an actor, the interpreter of the title “Partir un jour” was a martial arts champion. Lover of physical activities, the singer seems to have transmitted his passion to his son. This Sunday, September 25, this denier also blew out its 20 candles. An opportunity for his dad to share a video of the physical transformation of his big boy. According to the images posted on Instagram, the young man has worked hard to sculpt a dream body.

A frail teenager, Kezian gradually transformed through bodybuilding. Today, it is prominent abs and pectorals that he proudly displays on social networks. An athlete in the making of whom Frank Delay is proud. “ My son, you are 20 today!! Stay the wise person that you are. You have a beautiful soul. I am proud of your journey and I wish you the best. On the other hand, stop growing, I think you have reached the right size! Happy Birthday. i love you son “wrote the former star of the song in his publication.

” The succession is assured “

A post that aroused strong reactions from Internet users. “He has a good example to follow”, “bravo for the evolution in bodybuilding”, “Wow, no secret the determination is there”, “He is as strong as his father”, “Like son like father two handsome kids”, “The succession is assured”, “A Gossbo and a beautiful person like his dad…”, “Athletic like his dad”, can we read in the comments. For his part, the young man was delighted. In story, the latter wanted to thank his dad for this sweet statement.


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