projects aborted after his health problems… another blow for the famous animator!

It’s no secret that Michel Drucker is a real workaholic. But in 2020, the star had to slow down. And for good reason, the husband of Dany Saval contracted a streptococcus which abused his heart. In the aftermath, the host also underwent a quadruple coronary bypass.

“The bacteria, apparently not too bad, infected the heart and caused sepsis with a germ that had affected the mitral valve but also the spleen and the kidney […] Unfortunately, this bacterium also affected the artery of the right leg, which could have been amputated. We managed to unclog it, but the valve was still infected. The surgeon then told me: ‘We can’t wait any longer’.he explained in the columns of the Parisian.

“I don’t want to compare myself to Molière…”

After a long convalescence, the main interested party has finally signed his big comeback on television. Passionate about the field of the 7ᵉ art, Michel Drucker has set himself a major challenge: to present on stage his new show called: “From you to me”. “I don’t want to compare myself to Molière, but when Dalida sang ‘Dying on stage’, I understood her very well”, analyzed the star on the show seven to eight on TF1 at the start of the year.

But according to France Sunday, the public would not be there. His one-man show would have been a real flop. “Dropped, abandoned, betrayed by his audience, our budding actor now only plays in half-empty rooms”, have informed our colleagues this month. You understood it well, Michel Drucker would struggle to fill his rooms.

In the turmoil, the famous presenter would also have decided to cancel certain dates of his tour: like Tinqueux, Ermont or even Remiremont. However, as pointed out Here is, one of the sites of these cities assures that it is only a report. To be continued…


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