progress before concrete results



Video duration:
1 minute

France info

The Prime Minister will receive party leaders on Monday, September 18, to discuss solutions for a just and non-punitive transition.

Benefiting from an ecological bonus when you buy an electric vehicle, or on the contrary having a penalty when you choose a car weighing at least 1.6 tonnes, is part of the government’s proposals, presented Monday September 18 to the political parties. Marine Tondeliernational secretary of Europe Écologie-Les-Verts praised the work of the State teams: “This is a complete observation (…) but planning and meetings are of no use if there are no actions.

France late

According to the Socialist Party, a tax component is missing from this ecological planning. The RN pleads for a break with free trade. In the housing sector, additional credits should be allocated to the MaPrime systemRenovation‘. Lare main announcements of ecological planning should be made by Emmanuel Macron next Monday. For observers, there is urgency while France remains behind in renewable energies.

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