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The CFDT and the CFE-CGC signed the agreement on the proposed 7% salary increase with TotalEnergies on Friday 14 October. The CGT, on the other hand, decided to continue and extend the showdown.
8 p.m., Thursday 13 October: the unions are received by the management of TotalEnergies. A new proposal for an agreement on wages is presented to them. After three hours of discussion, the CGT leaves the negotiations. “Today, when Total proposes a general salary increase of 5.5%, it is below inflation. That is to say that TotalEnergies refuses to cover inflation at the very least”, comments Thierry Defresne, CGT secretary of the TotalEnergies European committee. The delegates therefore immediately set off for the Normandy refinery, in order to restore the content of the exchanges.
At the end of the morning, Friday, October 14, the CFDT and the CGC finally signed the management’s proposal. The unions had not taken part in the movement, but between them represent a majority of employees. The CGT, for its part, has to deal with the requisitioning of personnel when positions are taken up.
In Dunkirk (North), about thirty employees tried to block access to the site. “I have been requisitioned, so I am waiting to return, to carry out my duties. But I support my colleagues”, assures Frédéric Déclerc, a Total employee. On the evening of Friday 14, five Total sites are still blocked. At ExxonMobil, the strike was lifted at the group’s two refineries. At the end of the afternoon, the Total strikers received the support of employees from other sectors. The appointment is given for the day of mobilization, October 18.