Program of the New Popular Front, choice of the future Prime Minister… Fabien Roussel’s “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Wednesday June 19, 2024

Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the French Communist Party, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday June 19, 2024



Reading time: 24 min

Fabien Roussel, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday June 19, 2024 (FRANCEINFO/RADIOFRANCE)

Fabien Roussel, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday June 19, 2024. Program of the New Popular Front, choice of the future Prime Minister, future of pension reform… He answered questions from Jérôme Chapuis and Salhia Brakhlia .

New Popular Front: the difficult designation of a possible Prime Minister

For Fabien Roussel, “in the second round, there will be an important step, which is to ensure that the camp of those who defend the values ​​of the Republic is as broad as possible. For me, there will be no ambiguity, I will call everywhere to defeat the candidates representing the extreme right in France.”

“The Prime Minister, who must be at the head of a government tomorrow, must come from the National Assembly,” affirms the national secretary of the French Communist Party Fabien Roussel, de facto ruling out the hypothesis of an arrival in Matignon of the leader of La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Repeal the pension reform at 64

Retirement at 60 is “an objective” shared by all components of the New Popular Front, assured Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the French Communist Party. “The point of disagreement is: do we do it right away or later?” he summarizes. “We need to find the funding to implement this measure of social progress.”

A 106 billion euro program

On the costing of the program of the New Popular Front, Fabien Roussel says “instead” in line with Valérie Rabault’s calculation but “She may have spoken out a little early.” The official figures will be presented “Normally” “this evening, as part of a debate”. “It’s a broken program, which means that public spending will increase to be able to repair our public services”, “we are actually going to increase public spending.”

“On the other hand, when we put gasoline back into the engine, when we give purchasing power back to the French, when we increase wages in the private as well as in the public sector, by relaunching growth through consumption, we will be able to achieve next year and the years that follow, growth of 3% which will allow us to reassure those in Europe who are worried about our situation.” assures Fabien Roussel.

“Taxes on the richest of our fellow citizens will increase”

Concerning tax increases from this summer, they will concern “the most rich.” : “We are going to put 14 income tax brackets so that income tax is fairer and more equitable. 92% of taxpayers who pay income tax today will pay less tax and for 8 % of them, from the highest brackets, they will pay more.”

Change of sex upon simple declaration at the town hall:the President of the Republic loses his nerves”

LFI MP Andy Kerbrat announced that the New Popular Front must include in its program the change of marital status of transgender people upon simple request to the town hall. Faced with the reaction of the Head of State, Fabien Roussel until “the President of the Republic is losing his nerve by attacking the Popular Front program on this.” “It’s an argument used by the far right.”

Watch the show in its entirety:

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