Program of the New Popular Front, anti-Semitism… The “8h30 franceinfo” by Aurélien Rousseau, Thursday June 20, 2024

Aurélien Rousseau, New Popular Front candidate in the legislative elections, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Thursday June 20, 2024


Reading time: 24 min

Aurélien Rousseau, New Popular Front candidate in the legislative elections and former Minister of Health and Prevention, June 20, 2024. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

Aurélien Rousseau, New Popular Front candidate in the legislative elections, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Thursday June 20, 2024. Program of the New Popular Front, anti-Semitism… He answered questions from Jean-Rémi Baudot and Salhia Brakhlia.

Rise of anti-Semitism

It’s necessary “to smash” THE “smells of anti-Semitism” In France, “it’s unbearable”, affirms Aurélien Rousseau. It’s a “tragedy fueled by anti-Semitism” : the former Minister of Health expressed his “fright” and his “horror” faced with the rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl last Saturday in Courbevoie. “Our country cannot be a universalist republic and at the same time allow this little music to take hold”, declares the New Popular Front candidate in the legislative elections. Aurélien Rousseau denounces “instrumentalization” of this drama by the RN, but he recognizes that“a part of La France insoumise offered this patent of virginity on the fight against anti-Semitism to the RN”. The RN is “the only one to have been condemned for anti-Semitism”, he specifies.

Aurélien Rousseau emphasizes that “in the 10 commitments of the New Popular Front, there is no ambiguity on the fight against anti-Semitism”.

Emmanuel Macron calls the program of the New Popular Front “totally immigrationist”

The former minister also returned to Emmanuel Macron’s charge against the program of the New Popular Front, accusing him of “totally immigrationist”. “Words that go beyond the usual register of the President of the Republic”according to Aurélien Rousseau, seeing again “a slip” of the head of state. “Deleterious targeting” which does not correspond to the program of the left for the legislative elections, sweeps away the former chief of staff of Manuel Valls and Bernard Cazeneuve at Matignon. “From the moment we move on to the words, to the themes of the National Rally, in fact, the National Rally is fuel for him”he emphasizes.

“There is no calculation”,assures the candidate of the left alliance in the 7th constituency of Yvelines. “My only opponent is the National Rally”he insists. “I want to say to the social democratic voters, to a section of people on the left who believed in the dynamic carried by the President of the Republic, in this ‘at the same time’, that there has been a change in the President’s political axis”, he emphasizes. He points “a political disagreement” with the policy led by Emmanuel Macron, “a profound divergence”. “We were going too far on the land, the words of the RN”he adds.

Today’s Renaissance, today’s proposal, is not that of candidate Macron in 2022″, he continued. “The orientation to the right has been confirmed”he summarizes before adding that he is and has “always been left-wing”. “I don’t want a social democratic voter to have the choice between Renaissance and the National Rally and to say to themselves that there are also people who carry their voice, who will be present in a left-wing dynamic” , explains Aurélien Rousseau.

For Medef, the RN and NPF proposals are “dangerous”

Aurélien Rousseau specifies that “there are expenses that are quantified, there are some that we will have to refine and there are resources too”. “Promoting businesses is essential, but dividends are not the same thing,” adds Aurélien Rousseau. “We have added new expenses and we also have to look for new revenue and this thing is not a leftist idea.” “This gathering of the new Popular Front wants to ensure progress for the country, it wants to finance it. It will be credible,” concludes the New Popular Front candidate in the legislative elections.

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