professions where women struggle to exist

Many on the benches of conservatories, women are rare to exercise the profession of conductor or composer. The “All at the Opera” operation puts them in the spotlight to break down prejudices.

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Could the operation have been called “All at the Opera”? Launched on Friday May 6 in order to break the clichés that surround the world of classical music, the operation “Tous à l’opéra” opens twenty-seven operas to the public free of charge for the duration of the weekend. Placed under the patronage of the conductor and contralto Nathalie Stutzmann, the operation intends to highlight the work of women in a sector where they are still almost non-existent.

>> “All to the opera!” this weekend, everywhere in France: the orchestra at the party

If young women are numerous on the benches of conservatories, there are professions in the classical music sector where they hardly exist. This is particularly the case for the profession of conductor, for example. Or even worse: that of a composer.

“Contradicting the musicians when you are a female composer, it can be badly received”, says Clara Olivares, composer… At only 28 years old, she embodies a new generation of composers. His works are performed all over the world. PDuring her studies, she was almost the only woman in her class of 15 who wanted to become a composer. Sometimes there are also issues of legitimacy. She says that sometimes the musicians do not accept her instructions. “It’s like if I was not able to formulate the request that I want for the piece that I wrote“, sighs the composer.

Today, Clara Oliveres runs an academy for young female composers. The objective is to encourage female musicians to take up their turn. This project is at the initiative of the Paris Chamber Orchestra, of which Nicolas Droin is the general manager. “We must not always point the finger at the previous one and say that it is not our fault if there are not enough women“, he believes. According to figures collected by franceinfo, before covid, only 8% of the works played in the main festivals were composed by women.

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