Professions of the future | Better equip public contract managers

Health, construction, snow removal… Public contracts represent billions of dollars per year. And there are gaps in the training of civil servants who manage these contracts and private sector professionals who respond to calls for tenders… at least for now.

Starting next winter, Laval University and the National School of Public Administration (ENAP) will jointly offer a very first specialized higher studies diploma (DESS) in governance and management of public markets.

This is because in Quebec, it is difficult to learn the management and operation of public markets at school. The DESS is the first training of its kind in the province.

Public procurement refers to the process established by governments and municipalities to obtain goods, necessary services or carry out work from private companies. A government must make a publicized call for tenders to which everyone has access, and then objectively evaluate the offers in a transparent process.

“There is a clear and obvious need for competent people at the municipal, provincial and federal levels,” underlines DESS co-responsible Pierre-André Hudon, consulting with governments and the Treasury Board Secretariat in support.

Combining public and private

Pierre-André Hudon did his postdoctoral work at ENAP. César Garzon was his thesis director. Since then, they have been researching public markets together. From there the idea of ​​DESS was born.

The degree combines the strengths of both institutions. Those of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of Laval University on responsible procurement and the management of strategic partnerships and innovation. And those of ENAP, which already had a microprogram on public administration and public procurement rights.

The wish? Train civil servants who are able to manage public contracts. And attract people from the private sector who respond to calls for tenders.


For the 2022-2023 budget year, the government of Quebec has awarded nearly 32,000 public contracts greater than $25,000, representing $26 billion in total. In 2021-2022, the number of contracts awarded stood at 29,000.

Source: Treasury Board

On the municipal side, the need for expertise to define needs and make calls for tenders according to the legal framework is increasing. This is the result of a gap between the size of municipalities and the size of contracts awarded which is increasing.

When we make purchases, we try to do our homework and be well informed about needs and products. This is true when you buy chairs for Laval University, but it is even more true when you buy a tram or a snow removal contract.

Pierre-André Hudon

Registrations will open this fall. Managing the capacity of establishments remains the biggest challenge, according to Pierre-André Hudon. But the two co-directors of the program are convinced that future students will be there. “The need is there, but it remains to attract people from the private and public sectors. We have a unique program which is aimed at two types of audiences,” estimates Mr. Garzon, co-responsible for the DESS.

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