professionals delighted by this announcement but skeptical

The government announced this Thursday, December 2 investments within the framework of the Ségur de la Santé. It will release 23 million euros for the health and medico-social establishments of Vienne, including 20.7 million for the CHU of Poitiers. Other announcement: a dental training center will be created in Poitiers to train future dentists, dentists and therefore, have more professionals throughout the territory.

Eight dental training centers in France

In Vienna, this news is well received by professionals in the dental world even if some have some uncertainties. The first difficulty for the Council of the Order of dental surgeons in the department is the recruiting teachers.

We are not much in the market and take a “pool” of trainers in this “not a lot”, well, that makes even less that remains. You may have to think about having teachers from the private sector and not be afraid to look for them far away.“, estimates Alexandre Wahart, the departmental president of this Council of the order.

Hope to have more dentists in Vienne

There is also the question of financial means. “We need treatment rooms so that students can train with patients and this has a financial cost that is not insignificant“, describes Amélie Philippe, president of the union of dental surgeons in Vienne.

In this department where there is 44 dental surgeons per 100,000 inhabitants, a figure below the national average at 62, this center represents a hope for the union of dental surgeons. “We hope that with the creation of a training center that runs from the 2nd to the 6th year, this will make young people want to stay, a bit like with the odontology department that there is already at the Poitiers University Hospital.“, explains its president.

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