“Producing a journal in 80 days is a bit like a marathon run by a sprinter”

The first issue of this new general weekly comes out on Sunday. Bruno Jeudy promises for the occasion “the confession of an important personality who somewhat left politics a few years ago.”

After leaving Paris Matchthe political columnist, Bruno Jeudy is the director of the new weekly La Tribune Sunday the launch of which will take place on Sunday October 8, 2023. Extension of The gallery, an economic newspaper only online, the weekly sold for €2.40, for a circulation of 120,000 copies and a digital version aims to be general. Politics, international issues, economics, culture, ecology, artificial intelligence, science, gastronomy will be all themes that readers will be able to discover during their Sunday breakfast.

franceinfo: There has rarely been so much wait around the launch of a newspaper. The gallery has been an economic title only online for ten years and there it is, it has its Sunday paper version. Do you feel a form of pressure because you have to measure up?

Bruno Jeudy : Yes, it’s a lot of pressure. We are not going to save the French press, the written press, either, but we are really going to try to bring it something new on Sundays. La Tribune Sunday, it’s a general daily newspaper! The week is economical, it’s on the web! Ten years ago, they stopped the paper version and ten years later, by a happy coincidence of history, The gallery will launch La Tribune Sunday. There will not only be economics, there will be a lot of culture.

We’re going to have to hit hard from the first number. Do you have a scoop, an exclusive?

The first issue will be great! It will be 48 pages long and the first success is that there will be a lot of advertising, which means that the market has received it well. But above all we would like readers to be happy to have it in their hands on Sunday. They will be because the promise of this journal to be general is both half to explore the world, politics, international, business, ecology, but also science, artificial intelligence. We will deal less with the news items that we find a lot on the news channels on Saturdays.

“On Sunday, we have to bring new things, we have to bring new information.”

Bruno Jeudy, director of “La Tribune Dimanche”

at franceinfo

We will do journalistic shots, interviews and there will be a large investigative format. This Sunday, October 8, there will be a nice confession from an important personality who left politics a few years ago. And then, in the second part of the diary, there will be fun, culture. In fact, it’s “my Sunday at the cinema”, “my Sunday with my books”, “my Sunday with sport”, “my Sunday with my body”, “my walks”, “my food”!

Is your goal to land the political interview, which was the flavor of the JDD, that everyone will talk about all day?

Political interviews yes, which we will talk about, I hope. A successful Sunday daily is a daily that we still talk about on Monday and believe me, it’s not easy in an ultra-mediatized world.

Isn’t paper on Sunday more complicated because there are fewer points of sale open?

That’s the big challenge. We think there is a market on Sunday, but it is often difficult to find newspapers, especially in certain areas. I traveled around France during these 80 days to prepare the newspaper and we can see that it is difficult in certain areas to find it. We will find La Tribune Sunday on paper, but it can also be found digitally.

Are you hoping to get back readers who were reading before the JDD ?

Why not !

“I’m not looking for voters, I’m looking for readers and to have readers, you have to be good.”

Bruno Jeudy, director of “La Tribune Dimanche”

at franceinfo

Is this revenge for you who had been fired from Paris Match in the summer of 2022? Paris Match which belongs to the Lagardère group which is in the process of being bought by Vivendi.

At the time, I took responsibility, it was heartbreaking. I cried about leaving the newspaper, but the page is turned. I am an athlete. I have run the marathon 17 times. I know to look ahead and try to catch the next finish line rather than thinking about the starting line. Here, I am very close to the finish line on October 8, but above all I hope that there will be many others to The Tribune on Sunday.

Is it as hard as running a marathon, starting a new newspaper?

Completing a daily newspaper, the first in ten years, in France, in 80 days, has a bit of a marathon feel to it, run at the pace of a sprinter.

Watch this interview on video:

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