“producers assume that sexism makes audiences”

Today, the Quarter Hour focuses on the “Marseilles” and the “Shopping Queens” : reality TV shows broadcast in France still too often contain sexist clichés and demeaning situations for candidates, according to author Valérie Rey-Robert. We take stock of the situation in Ukraine, with the Russian offensive which has begun in the Donbass, and of the presidential campaign where the candidates are trying to reassure without denying themselves… which is not always easy.

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This is not a surprise because the Ukrainian forces had been expecting it for weeks: the Russian army “just started its offensive on the Donbass” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said last night. The Kremlin confirms and indicates that it carried out dozens of airstrikes on military targets and ammunition warehouses, with the objective of “release” this region that Moscow considers independent. We return in detail to the complex relations between the Donbass region and Russia, and to the stakes of such a military operation.

D-5 before the second round of the presidential election. On the eve of the debate between the two rounds, the candidates try to convince those who had not voted for them in the first round. Emmanuel Macron gives pledges to the left and calls on abstainers to block, while Marine Le Pen is still working to presidentialize her image and reassure her potential voters. Even if this leads to confusion: has the RN candidate gone back on her promise to ban the veil in public space? Le Quart d’Heure returns to this measure more clearly than before.

And then, it’s a genre that has been synonymous with criticism and controversy since its arrival in France 20 years ago: reality TV. The author Valérie Rey-Robert has published a book to dismantle the sexist stereotypes at work in this kind of programs. She is the guest of the Quarter Hour.

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