Proceedings against Alain Delon for possession of firearms dismissed

An investigation was opened after the seizure of numerous weapons and more than 3,000 rounds of ammunition at the actor’s home.



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Alain Delon at the Cannes Film Festival, May 19, 2020. (VALERY HACHE / AFP)

The Montargis public prosecutor announced on Friday 26 July that the proceedings opened after the seizure at the end of February of a veritable arsenal at Alain Delon’s home had been closed: 72 weapons and more than 3,000 rounds of ammunition. This decision comes without the 88-year-old star having been able to be interviewed, “given its vulnerability” And “after medical advice”explains the magistrate. Jean-Cédric Gaux also specifies that “the destruction of all firearms and ammunition has been ordered.”

During the investigation, the investigations showed that the actor “had never declared these weapons to the prefecture or requested authorization for their possession”the magistrate explained in a statement. He also specified that the hearing of Alain Delon’s children and his employees had highlighted “that these firearms were used by various members of the family, for leisure purposes, in the shooting range on the property”.

Jean-Cédric Gaux also detailed that according to “different testimonies”these 72 firearms “had been acquired by Alain Delon who had held them for many years and had even put some of them up for public auction in 2014”This was particularly the case with the Winchester in the series. In the name of the lawoffered by Steve McQueen, or the revolver from the film Red sun.

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