“Problems at the level of the couple”: Lorie opens up with an open heart about her illness

Lorie has been in a relationship with personalities known to the general public such as singers Garou and Billy Crawford or comedian Philippe Bas, but it is with a man whose name she has kept silent for years that the 39-year-old singer started a family. a year and a half ago. In August 2020, the daily life of the pretty blonde revealed in the early 2000s with her hit Near me was overwhelmed by the arrival of a little girl named Nina. Her maternity, Lorie had wanted it for a very long time, but the endometriosis she suffers from has slowed down this increasingly strong desire.

On January 13, endometriosis was unanimously recognized as a long-term condition by the National Assembly, a great victory for all women suffering from this disease. And a few days earlier, Emmanuel Macron announced a national strategy to manage, publicize and diagnose the disease. Lorie agreed to confide once again about her endometriosis on Saturday January 29 on the show Unexpected broadcast on Franceinfo and presented by Nathanaël de Rincquesen, Ludivine Lopez, Géraldine Cornet Lavau and Camille Dauxert.

After seeing the testimony of a woman suffering from endometriosis dating back to 1971, admitting to feeling guilty towards her partner, Lorie confirmed this guilt in her couple. “Sometimes our companion does not know what to do, we are in pain. We’re with our hot water bottle, we can’t do anything. Sometimes I even had guilt. I couldn’t carry my little one because I had too much stomach pain. We stay in bed for whole days so we feel guilty because we can’t go to work. You can’t do whatever you want.” confided the singer and actress frankly. Lorie did not hesitate to mention her intimacy either: “During intercourse, she [la personne il y a plus de cinquante ans ndlr] feels her husband pull away and it is true that this disease creates problems at the level of the couple, at the level of work, of social life. There’s a huge repercussion actually.

Lorie went through PMA to have Nina

During this interview, Lorie recalled that it is very difficult to get pregnant when you have endometriosis: “When we have endometriosis, we often have a medical treatment that stops our cycles, so we no longer have periods for the disease to spread. (…) But afterwards, to have a child, you have to stop this treatment for the cycles to come back.“The singer did not manage to get pregnant naturally, and explained:”Me what happened is that we had tried a few months before naturally but if it does not come naturally, we will have to try a PMA (medically assisted procreation). For me it was not possible otherwise the disease would have spread too much.“But Nina’s mom would never have given up.”With my companion, it was our project. I would never let down“, she confessed.

The place of the spouse in the disease

Lorie admitted it, the couple is strained with endometriosis, and not all of them survive. “It’s not easy for them because they really have to find their place. His role is to be a shoulder to lean on, reassure us, be positive, just be there to listen to us, that’s already great“, she shared.

Thanks to sincere testimonials like that of Lorie or Laetitia Milot or Enora Malagré, who all suffer from the same disease, research is progressing and many are those who have the hope of becoming mothers in turn.

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