The Minister of National Education and Youth was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Thursday May 9, 2024.
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Nicole Belloubet, Minister of National Education and Youth, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Thursday May 9, 2024. Lack of teachers in national education, demonstrations in the grandes écoles and high schools, controversy after its about “disruptive” disabled children… she answered questions from Jean-Rémi Baudot and Agathe Lambret.
Lack of teachers: “We are in difficulty recruiting teachers in certain academies”
“We are in difficulty recruiting teachers in certain academies,” recognize Nicole Belloubet, Minister of National Education, while the SNUipp-FSU alerts on the lack of teachers in primary schools at the next school year, after the first results of the eligibility tests for the school teacher competitions (CRPE). There are “recruitment difficulties” In “certain academies” like those of Créteil or Versailles, where “contractual staff for the next school year” will be recruited, indicates the minister.
“Disruptive” disabled children: “It was clumsiness”
The Minister of National Education returned to her comments made on April 22. On France 2, she declared that a “disruptive student, he can be disruptive because he is in physical difficulty or because he has a handicap”. A statement which provoked the ire of the Handicap Collective. “I simply apologize to the families who were hurt.” replied the minister. “Quite clearly, it was clumsiness.”
“It is all the more clumsy since one of my primary concerns in our current school is really to set up what we call a school for all, that is to say the school which welcomes all students, absolutely all students”, she says.
Pro-Palestinian demonstrations in high schools: “We are very attentive to what will happen on Monday”
While the movement of support for Gaza has intensified in recent days and has spread to high schools, the minister puts the scale of the mobilizations into perspective. “A few high schools were affected” through mobilizations in support of Palestine, “but very few were blocked”says the minister. “I really believe they can be counted on the fingers of one hand,” she says. “Currently, schools are closed for the bridge, so we are attentive to what happens on Monday.”
Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Wednesday May 8, 2024: