Pro-Palestine demonstrations, humanitarian situation in Gaza, post-riot plan in France… Julien Odoul’s “8:30 am franceinfo”

The deputy for Yonne and spokesperson for the RN was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday October 28, 2023.

Julien Odoul, deputy for Yonne and spokesperson for the RN, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday October 28, 2023. Pro-Palestine demonstrations, humanitarian situation in Gaza, post-riot plan in France… He answered questions from Jules de Kiss and Victoria Koussa.

Pro-Palestine demonstrations: “Scandalous and shameful”

Demonstrations of support for Palestine are “scandalous and shameful”, denounces Julien Odoul, while mobilizations are planned in several cities on Saturday. The Loiret prefecture has banned a gathering scheduled for 3 p.m. in Orléans, reports France Bleu. The Paris police headquarters also issued an order to ban a parade in “solidarity with the Palestinian people”, scheduled for Saturday afternoon. In both cases, appeals to administrative justice were filed. “These are not pro-Palestinian demonstrations, these are pro-Hamas demonstrations”, believes Julien Odoul. The MP denounces “anti-Semitic slogans and signs”.

“Hamas is solely responsible for the catastrophic humanitarian situation”

The Israeli army intensified its military operations in the Palestinian enclave on Friday evening. In a press release, she announced that she had “hit 150 underground targets including tunnels used by terrorists, underground combat sites and other underground infrastructure”. The United Nations and NGOs lost contact with their teams because communications and the internet were cut. The human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) warned that the cut risks “serve as a cover for mass atrocities”. “Hamas is solely responsible for the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip”believes Julien Odoul.

The RN deputy considers that the Israeli government “left a lot of time since October 7 [date de l’attaque du Hamas] to allow the Gazan population to flee Hamas”. The spokesperson for the National Rally recalls that “Marine Le Pen had proposed in particular that they be welcomed in neighboring countries such as Egypt.” He believes that their refusal “is unhappy”.

Post-riot plan: “The urgency is not to inject money, it is to inject order”

Four months after the riots which followed Nahel’s death, Elisabeth Borne unveiled social and structural measures to respond to the difficulties of working-class neighborhoods. The Prime Minister notably sent a circular to the prefects asking them to no longer allocate social housing in working-class neighborhoods to Dalo households (enforceable right to housing) in order to promote social diversity. “The urgency is not to inject money, it is to inject order, authority”affirms Julien Odoul. “That’s all that’s missing in these neighborhoods.” The elected official denounces “the absurdity of these measures”.


Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Saturday October 28, 2023:

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